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Join Us For Our

JANUARY 25, 2020, 10AM- 4PM


RSVP REQUIRED, make checks payable to LIHS & mail to 300 West Main St, Riverhead, NY 11901

Workshops with NYCON’s Vice President, Regional Development


Andrew Marietta

Registration/Check In 9:30am:

10:00am- 12:00pm

Understanding Your Board Roles and Responsibilities:

Board members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as making sure the historical society or museum has adequate resources to advance its mission.  This session will provide board members with a critical orientation to the responsibilities, knowledge, and skills needed to be an effective board member as well as offer practical guidance for implementing the more challenging aspects of governance practices. 

Lunch 12:15noon-1:30pm $42 prix fix Dark Horse or On Your Own



Strategic Planning for Arts Organizations: Setting a Course for a Successful Future

The times are not only a-changing, as Bob Dylan once wrote, but are doing so with blazing speed.  For many museum and historical society executives and board members, it is becoming difficult enough to plan for the coming year, much less for several years.  In this seminar we will examine the basic approaches and ingredients for a successful strategic planning process for arts organizations in particular.

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